
Sunday 8 November 2015

New server, new bee factory.

Main Alveary Block
The old server is dead, and we're on a new server, we're again playing FTB Direwolf 20, and we're currently on version 1.7.10.

Thanks to some kind comments on the youtube videos, I decided that I still have a weath of knowledge to share with you all. Despite some extensive searching, it still seems that no one else has blogged/videoed their adventure into Binnie's mods. The new video series will build on what I taught you in the first set of videos, and I'll also be showing you some of the other aspects of Binnie's, such as alcohol and botany, as well as recapping some basics such as the lumbermill and its associated machines.

This factory has been built with the sole purpose of passing on some of what I have learnt, and getting some information about Binnie's Mods out there on the web. The server I play on is a whitelisted server, where I have the power of the admin. (So yes, a good chunk of this has been built in creative.) However, despite the fact I have basically cheated my way to making a nice little factory to teach you all, it is fully functional. There is no creative power, infinite resource barrels or infinite liquids.

This means, that when the video series is finished, and I actually start playing a survival mode game, the factory will be still able to function and run without any additional cheating required.

Enjoy the tour and check back for when the videos are posted. In the meantime, check out my previous videos in the links below.

Bee Base Intro
Genetic Machines
Making an Alveary

Lumbermill, wood worker, tileworker etc. Additional machines for processing bi-products and making polish. 

Genetics Area.

View of outside. The closest alveary is my "base bee" larvae spawner. (See previous videos for what I mean by "base bee".)

Genetically modified walnut trees, sporadically being bonemealed by autonomous activators.

Frame production and fertiliser production.

Seed oil tank. Impregnated sticks and casing production.

Underneath the walnut tree farm. Squeezers ready to make seed oil. Sag mill to smash up wheat to make seeds for even more seed oil. 

Mushroom farm, pollinated by Fungal Queen's. MFR fertiliser can be switched on for a quick boost of mushrooms. (Mushrooms are needed to make yeast for alcohol production.)

Power room. Good ol' fast engines converting EU to RF. 

Biomass and ethanol production.

Alcohol production area. WIP.

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